What are the communities and how do they link to my NPQ?
Communities are structured, peer-led sessions focussing on solving problems, applying the theory in context and supporting with network building. The aim of your community sessions is to help you to:
- Identify your trickiest professional problems and explore ways to address them.
- Learn from one another’s experiences and develop a network of support.
- Improve knowledge and practice around the NPQ Framework.
What preparation do I need to do before a community session?
Ahead of the session, you should identify a problem that you would like to discuss. This problem should be a tricky professional problem that you currently face, and link to an area of the NPQ framework. You may wish to bring an artefact to the discussion – such as an email or planning document – to illustrate the problem and make it more concrete.
A ‘good’ problem for discussion in a ‘communities’ format should be:
- Specific – The problem should relate to the NPQ and will therefore be easily understandable to all in the group.
- Solvable – Solvable problems are those where our efforts can result in progress.
- Controllable – They are things that you, in your specific role, have a high degree of control over.
For further guidance please download the Communities Guidance Document, and watch this video.